Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. with tax address at: located at Av. José María Morelos y Pavón número 14 Br. San Bartolo, CP 62800, Tetela del Volcán. You are informed that your personal data, including sensitive data, currently or in the future in our databases, will be processed and/or used by: Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. and/or the controlling companies of the latter and/or our affiliated companies and/or subsidiaries and/or those third parties that, due to the nature of their services, work or functions, have the need to process and/or use your personal data; therefore, with the purpose of fulfilling those obligations that derive from the contractual and/or legal relationships existing between you as the owner of the personal data and the aforementioned companies, who or (is) for the purposes of our services will be responsible for the processing of your personal data. Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. you can transfer the data personal information that works in its databases to any of the controlling companies of the latter and/or its affiliated companies and/or subsidiaries and even to third parties, national or foreign, unless the respective owners expressly state their opposition, in terms of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the Law). Owners may exercise the rights conferred by the Law, as of January 6, 2012 by means of a written request, which must be presented personally or by mail at our tax office or by email: All requests that are submitted to the aforementioned mail or to the tax address located at: Av. José María Morelos y Pavón número 14 Br. San Bartolo, CP 62800, Tetela del Volcán, Regardless of the means used by the holders, they must: • Include the name and handwritten signature of the holder, as well as an address or other means to communicate the response to your request. • Accompany the official documents that prove the identity of the owner. • Address your request to Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. and a clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you will exercise the rights conferred by the Law. To contact us, please send an email to Alejandra Acosta Bello at Likewise, you are informed that your personal data will be used for the following purposes: Provide the services that you may require, for being our client or a candidate in any of our services, for the application for scholarships or support programs that Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. for the analysis of your data to any of our services and/or to evaluate the quality of our service, information on webinars, seminars as well as information related to the coffee industry. We may obtain personal data from other sources permitted by law, such as telephone (printed or online) or employment directories. The data that we obtain by these means can be, among others: Company Name, Name, Position, Telephone and Email. We inform you that, in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, Sensitive Personal Data will be collected and processed in accordance with the Law. Therefore, we promise that they will be processed under the strictest security measures that guarantee your confidentiality. Likewise, you are made aware that you have the right to: Access and Rectify your Personal Data, Sensitive Personal Data that we possess and the details of their treatment, stop receiving promotional messages and Revoke (cancel) the consent that you have given us. granted, when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice or are being used for various purposes not consented to or that the contractual or service relationship has ended, or oppose their treatment for specific purposes. You must send an email to: requesting that your email, telephone or personal data be omitted specifying the specific case, consequently, the request will be made within a maximum period of 20 business days after your request. We promise not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by Law. On the other hand, we reserve the right to make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, regarding attention to new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services. These modifications will be available to the public through our website or through our emails. In accordance with what is established in article 9 of the Law in question, we require your express consent for the processing of your Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data, for which we request that you indicate whether or not you accept the treatment, and must make your statement by any of the means that you usually use to communicate with Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop. with fiscal domicile located at: Av. José María Morelos y Pavón número 14 Br. San Bartolo, CP 62800, Tetela del Volcán.
Alianza Cooperativa Campos y Bosques Verdes Soc. Coop.
All rights reserved. México 2023®